China Distant Water Fishing

During the Case Study meeting in the FarFish project, held in Vigo, Spain last June, real good talks took place between different stakeholders. One of the presentation held was a breakthrough in the dialogue that must take place between China and Europe on the distant water fishing, or fishing in the high-seas, in order to make fisheries in international waters more sustainable. Held by Prof Jilong LI at the Resource and Ecology Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, the presentation shed a great light into the Chinese fisheries sector, especially the part that does their fishing in international waters.

Below you will find a pdf version of Prof Jilong LI presentation and at the FarFish Facebook page, you can listen to his presentation (begins right after Alexandre Rodriguez’s presentation).

The pdf version of Prof Jilong LI presentation

Prof Jilong LI presentation on Facebook (video in low resolution):